Passion fruit exports in Colombia are estimated at US$75 million per year.

Passion fruit exports in Colombia are estimated at US$75 million per year. Twelve departments cultivate this fruit with about 2,144 hectares planted. Colombia ranks among the 10 countries with the highest production and export of passion fruit in the world. We have a 2.9% share of the global market and sales of more than US$74.9 …

Improve your hass avocado crops with green technologies

Improve your hass avocado crops with green technologies Green technologies are innovative tools to control insects and pests. The Colombian countryside continues to be an engine of growth for the national economy, the global trend also aims to increase the consumption of healthy foods, including avocados. According to the WAO (World Avocado Organization), the demand …

Would you like to know why this is a worthwhile investment?

Would you like to know whythis is a worthwhile investment? In Colombia, we have two harvests a year. We always deliver fair market prices. We are here to wow you with our integrity and guidance throughout the diferent processes. Your fruit will be exported to high-level clients. Our partnerships allow us to reach international supermarkets! …

Investing in agriculture is worthwhile

Investing in agriculture is worthwhile In Colombia we have 44.8 million hectares available for agricultural production. Currently we use approximately 19% of the land, so we envision tremendous opportunities to increase employment and transform the agro-industry along with new technology that will help us position our country as a global player. In addition, we must …

At Montana Fruits we grow alongside our producers

The benefits of doing your fruit maquila at Montana Fruits Establishing new strategic alliances with producers is what helps us to deliver high quality fruit to the market. We provide them with advice and support to comply with the required standards and international certifications that guarantee good environmental and social practices. What are these certifications? …

The benefits of doing your fruit maquila at Montana Fruits

The benefits of doing your fruit maquila at Montana Fruits If you are looking for an expert to pack your fruit, we offer the service of maquila with the highest quality standards demanded by the international markets, we guarantee proper selection, classification, packaging and cold chain to ensure optimal conditions for the fruit. Why should …

Production of Avocado in Colombia

PRODUCTION OF AVOCADO IN COLOMBIA The area planted with avocado is growing significantly throughout the world. According to FAO, America is the continent that concentrates the largest area sown (63%). For its part, according to the Ministry of Agriculture of Colombia, the country has registered an annual growth of 11% in the area planted in …

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